If you no longer use a particular program, or if you need to free up additional space on your hard drive, you can uninstall the software that you have on your computer.
All versions of the Windows operating system include a special tool for performing this task. The location of this tool varies between Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, but its functionality is similar, no matter which one of these operating systems you have on your computer.
The steps that need to be performed for uninstalling a program from your PC are described below. Please follow the instructions that are appropriate for the operating system you have installed on your computer.
Uninstall a program in Windows 7
From the Start menu, select Control panel.
If your Control Panel window is configured to use Category View, search for Programs and click Uninstall a Program.
If your Control Panel window is configured to use Small or Large Icons View, click on Programs and Features.
Select the program that you want to uninstall from the list displayed and click on the Uninstall button. You can also right click on the name of the program and select Uninstall.
Follow the instructions displayed on screen to remove the program from your PC.
Uninstall a program in Windows 8
From the Metro, Right click anywhere around the applications and a bar will pop up from the bottom.
Click on the “All Apps” Icon in the right bottom corner of the bar.
In the applications menu, Right Click on the program you want to uninstall, a bar will pop up from the bottom with an Uninstall Icon, Click on it.
You will be greeted with a confirmation message, Click on Uninstall again if you are sure you want to permanently delete the application.
Follow the instructions displayed on screen to remove the program from your PC.
Uninstall a program in Windows Vista
From the Start menu, select Control panel.
If your Control Panel window is configured to use Category View, search for Programs and click Uninstall a Program.
If your Control Panel window is configured to use Small or Large Icons View, click on Programs and Features.
Select the program that you want to uninstall from the list displayed and click on the Uninstall button. You can also right click on the name of the program and select Uninstall.
Follow the instructions displayed on screen to remove the program from your PC.
Uninstall a program in Windows XP
From the Start menu, select Control Panel. If you are using the XP Classic View select Settings and then Control Panel.
Click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
Select the program you wish to remove and click Remove (this is called Add/Remove if you are using the XP Classic View).
Follow the instructions displayed on screen to remove the program from your PC.