If you’ve ever actually looked at the ‘My GoldMine’ feature in GoldMine 6.x, you’ve probably been annoyed by the inclusion of the FrontRange feed. While it’s not unheard of that the vendor might include some marketing of this nature in their product, the fact that you can’t remove it AND that the feed no longer actually available (leaving you with a big, ugly, useless empty space on your My GoldMine screen telling you that the FrontRange feed can’t be retrieved.)

Here’s a solution: (note: it’s conceivable that a mis-step while editing your GM.INI could render your entire GoldMine installation useless until the INI file is corrected/restored from backup. It’s highly recommended that you backup your GM.INI prior to modifying it!)

1. Open your GM.INI — It will be in the same folder your GoldMine executable is in. I find the simplest way to get to it is to right-click on the GoldMine shortcut you use every day and select Properties. Then press the Find Target button. Voila, you’re in the GoldMine directory.

2. Locate any existing ‘[MyGM]’ sections and delete them.

3. Paste the following code at the end of the existing text in the INI file:

FRS_Title=Castell Computers

4. Restart GoldMine.

You’ll notice that the FrontRange feed is now gone and has been replaced with mine. Obviously you don’t have to use my feed here and are, of course, free to choose any feed you like. Just modify the above INI snippet accordingly.

  1. Hi Doug

    Sorry – I should have read 1)in your solution more carefully. I was changing the GM ini on the server not on my c:\ drive where I was launching GM from.

    Thanks for your response.

  2. I have tried this and when I log back in the frontrange feeds are there. When I check the ini file the Castell entries are their but the frontrange entry has reappeared! :{

  3. If your web site doesn’t already have the feature included, you could use any one of a number of different services that can build an RSS feed for you… I put my site together using the free WordPress sytem and didn’t need to do anything to supply an RSS feed, however, on my old site, I used a service from the IceRocket search engine, check it out here. It’s pretty easy to work with. 🙂

  4. I’m really pleased to find out how to disable the Frontrange rss, but as a total novice, can anyone tell me how to set up rss feeds to our web site.

    Many thanks

  5. I was very excited at the time because I was thinking of recommending My GoldMine as a more dynamic means than the infocenter of dispersing companywide information. I backed off when I discovered I couldn’t turn off the Frontrange column. I didn’t like the idea of training the users to check a site everyday that we couldn’t control the content of.

  6. Doug,

    Two years ago I spent hours trying to defeat the empty and supremely annoying third column dedicated to the nonexistant FrontRange feed. Would this simple fix have worked back in 2003?

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