With the release of GoldMine 6.7, users got a lot of bug fixes, some nice new features and some sorely needed tweaks. One of those little tweaks has turned out to be quite an annoyance that I hear about from nearly every user I upgrade to version 6.7.

A little background: Prior to GoldMine 6.7, if you had your e-mail center open to the inbox and your e-mail automatically retrieving in the background, it would show up at the bottom of the list. This might not have been such a big deal unless you happened to have more than a few pieces of mail in your inbox. If you did, new mail might not be apparent to you unless you manually refreshed the inbox by leaving and returning or re-sorting by the data column.

Needless to say, the matter was brought to the attention of the Frontrange developers more than a few times.

With the initial release of GoldMine 6.7, they fixed the problem by automatically refreshing the inbox. The problem is, whenever it refreshed, it would steal focus, meaning that if you happened to be typing (writing in word, composing a GoldMine e-mail or completing a call, for instance) you were unceremoniously flipped to the e-mail center’s inbox. If you’re a keyboard-looker typist, like me, this could result in you carrying out any number of random commands on your inbox as you typed…

The last release of 6.7 corrected the focus problem, but it does still overtly refresh the inbox and still grabs the screen (for instance, while playing a full-screen video game (get back to work!)) in some instances.

Frontrange doesn’t offer any options in the preferences area to turn the refreshing on/off nor is there any option to specify how often the refreshes occur (the default seems to be about 5 minutes.) There is an undocumented option, however.

To fix this:
1. Close GoldMine and open your user.ini (mine is DOUG.INI) with notepad.

2. Locate the [Internet] section and see if you find the setting FolderRefreshDelay=

3. If it’s there, change it, if it’s not, add it and set it to 9999999, like this:


Of course, with this setting, you’re back to having your auto-retrieved e-mail stealthily appearing at the bottom of your inbox… But, if you don’t auto-retrieve mail or don’t like the auto-refresh enough to live with having to dig for your new mail once in a while, this setting is for you.

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