This quote is from FrontRange Support Services. Maybe it will clear up some questions the early-adopters/adventurous among you are having…

FrontRange Support Services would like to make you aware that another release of GoldMine Corporate Edition – build 7.00.51018 is now available. Some customers may have downloaded build 7.00.51015 last week. The new build addresses an issue that occurred while migrating data from dBase to either a SQL or Firebird database.

If your installation with build 7.00.51015 did not involve a migration of data from dBase to SQL or Firebird and everything is working fine, there is no reason to take action. If you have not installed yet, we recommended downloading and installing build 7.00.51018. If you installed and are having problems, we recommend you complete a backup, uninstall 7.00.51015, reinstall 7.00.51018 and restore the data.

If you have any questions related to the new build or the upgrade process, please contact your Solutions Partner or FrontRange Support Services at 800.755.2100, Option 3 for assistance. Thank you for your continued patronage.

That being said, I do not suggest that users upgrade to this build yet. I am advising my clients to ‘wait and see’ for the moment.

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