Mailbox X, from my buddy Dexter over at EndUser Software, is better than ever and now supports GoldMine Premium Edition!

What is Mailbox X, you ask? Here’s the short description from EndUser Software:

Mailbox X is a simple tool that allows users to automate the recognition/deletion of invalid e-mail addresses based on returned e-mails from a previous mass e-mail merge. There is no easier way to manage those invalid e-mail records / contact records when it comes to identifying which e-mail is invalid and where they are located in your database. Mailbox X automates everything !

Essentially, it helps you deal with bouncebacks, unsubscribes, bad addresses, etc. etc. It supports all versions of GoldMine from GoldMine 5 on up (SQL or dBase.) It’s a really handy tool that not a lot of people seem to know about. Here are a couple of screen shots to illustrate the capabilities of the tool:

Mailbox X screen shots

More information can be found here on the EndUser Software Mailbox X page.

It’s worth noting that EndUser Software has lots of other great GoldMine tools as well! Check out the freebies supplied in the GMX Tools package, for instance! Good stuff.

By the way, if you buy anything there, be sure to let them know I sent you! I might just get a few bucks in commission — and it won’t cost you anything extra! 🙂

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